Was It Rape?

I can't believe we've gotten to the point where this is a question and here are the reasons why:

1. People think there are circumstances that warrant rape, like the way a woman dresses or behaves and

2. People have lied and ruined innocent lives, as a result actual rape victims suffer doubtful questioning.

The fact that there has to be a hash tag ( #RapeCulture ) to bring awareness about humanity's rapid decline of morals is sad, no, it is devastating!  The sick thoughts that swirl in many cultures and minds is that a woman warrants rape because of her provocative dressing, her flirtatious attitude, her being drunk or even willingly inviting a person in to her home for a night cap. None of that means "Yes, I want to have sex with you." A person can go as far as cuddling with you naked in bed but if they have not said to you that they want to have sex, sex is OFF the table. Assumptions are not grounds for access.

It is sickening to know that women are counted as instigators or participants in their rape because of the clothes they wear or men, especially teenage boys, are ignored and made fun of when they report a rape. While it seems mind boggling it is possible for males to be raped and that is NOT okay. We are sexual beings, yes but we are also in control of our sexual actions-- no truly means no.

Let me hear you, what do you think about this rape mentality?



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