Go Get It and Make History HERstory

Pursue your dreams and goals with 100% passion!

March is Women's History Month. We celebrate notable women in history, those who are making history and ourselves as women- period. Being a woman is so much more than words can express, we are capable of innumerable accomplishments and triumphs. Considering all of this it was my esteemed honor and privilege to be the co-host of an event that both celebrates and shapes the lives of women and girls.

The event is an annual one entitled Women's HERstory Month Celebration sponsored by Girls P.R.I.D.E. Project of ACCE under the directorship of Tammie Williams. If you were there then you witnessed greatness in dance, spoken word, poetry, and song. If you were not there, then you missed something incredible! The young women that gave of their talents were mind blowing. I found myself trying to re-create the same tunes and movements- sadly that just is NOT my calling. 

Being up on that stage with the lovely Gabrielle White was an experience I will never forget. It will always remain in my mind not only because it was a major move toward my destiny but because of the energy of every person in that theater-- it was POSITIVE and pulsating. The guest speakers were so inspiring: Barbara "Roxie Digital"DeLaleu , Majora Carter , Lucinda Cross , and Christine Carter.

I strongly suggest that you check this event out and take part. You DO NOT want to miss this.

Enjoy the pictures Lovies!

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