Naked Feminism

So I heard (and have seen) that Amber Rose posted her “bring back the bush” this month on Instagram in the name of Feminism. Amber is very vocal about her beliefs and that is great, speak honey speak! I, myself, support the idea of the “slut walk” hate the name but completely understand the sarcasm of it and why it is used. However, here is where I must depart from agreeing with “Muva”- posting a picture of your vagina is not feminism.

Today it is hard to say that you have not seen a naked man or woman, whether it be on purpose or by accident. Those videos, pictures and hashtags are everywhere. I have stumbled on to some involuntarily and voluntarily to see what the hype was about and to this day I cannot get them out of my memory, though I wish I could but I digress.

Me at the 3rd Annual Shirley Chisholm's Women of Distinction Awards. It took me a long time to agree to carry the title of "Feminist" because of how far it has strayed BUT I refuse to let it deter me anymore. I AM A FEMINIST. I STAND FOR WOMEN'…

Me at the 3rd Annual Shirley Chisholm's Women of Distinction Awards. It took me a long time to agree to carry the title of "Feminist" because of how far it has strayed BUT I refuse to let it deter me anymore. I AM A FEMINIST. I STAND FOR WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT AND SUCCESS.

I support the feminist awareness endeavor; it really should be more than a movement because I am still baffled that basic truths have to be made movements before people begin to grasp them. Being a feminist is not about the push for neither promiscuity nor the right to be naked in public or for the public for that matter. Being a feminist is actually the exact opposite. When women fought for equality to be seen as people who have valid thoughts, abilities and rights, they were not fighting to be seen as sex symbols or body parts- that was NEVER a problem they lacked. Women have always been viewed as sexually desirable, their vaginas have always been on the minds of men and because of this they (we) have been relegated to being something to DO or show off. Our opinions and thoughts weighed less than a male child’s.

When women flaunt their bodies and the habit of having sex with any and everyone they desire and call it “feminist freedom” it really just sets us back. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has the freedom to do whatever it is that they want; however, I will ask you to stop mislabeling. Heck, you can call it “Body Rights” but just don’t call it feminism because it is not.

I am sorry Amber but this move only played in to the old beliefs that a woman is an object to look at, have sex with and/or only made to have children. No wonder some ignorant men still have the thought that women should sit down, shut up and look pretty. *several eye rolls* Speaking to friends of mine, it is agreed that this move and ones like it demean the cause. Like I said though, those walks you do- those are great. The message is clear- rape and abuse is never okay no matter what a woman dresses like or how many people she likes to have sex with- that is a move in the right direction! Shucks, girl I will march with you- that is “Body Rights” in action.

I’ll leave these here:

A feminist does not make it harder for women who are fighting the ‘male ceiling’ status quo.

A man does not have to display his penis to tell people to respect him, why should a woman?


Much love to you Muva Amber.



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