
My Country ‘tis of Thee

“Sweet land of liberty of thee I sing,” I now believe that these words were in essence utopian because they certainly have not proven to be true for all. Perhaps, that may have been the intent, a land of liberty for certain people not all. Reality and history support this observation. I desire, with fervor, to sing of a land that cultivates liberty.

The Naive Series: The Bounce Back (Part 2)

Bouncing back from a relationship can be hard to do. It isn't always fun like the movies make it seem. Find out what happened with me...

The Thing About 30

Life DOES NOT end at 30! What are you doing with your thirties? 

Nelson Mandela: The Legacy Lives On

Nelson Mandela. A great man in this world's history. His legacy is not tied down to one place and time, it lives on and is reflected in freedoms and victories and talks and lives- worldwide!

A gentleman, a wise man, a peacemaker, a mover and shaker- shifting the unjust winds of the world with heart and will stronger than many. A legend! We are thankful for the 95 years that President Nelson Mandela spent on this earth tilling the ground until it yielded fruits worthy of eating, sharing and replanting.

My prayers are with his family, friends and those who knew him.

Be inspired and let's continue what he, like many before us, started. We must continue walking!

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