
My Country ‘tis of Thee

“Sweet land of liberty of thee I sing,” I now believe that these words were in essence utopian because they certainly have not proven to be true for all. Perhaps, that may have been the intent, a land of liberty for certain people not all. Reality and history support this observation. I desire, with fervor, to sing of a land that cultivates liberty.


I am unconcerned about the overwhelming guilt felt by those who “feel” attacked because they’ve now been lumped in to a group that is getting bad press. “We’re not all the same, that’s not fair to put us all in one group.” I am unconcerned because you have been unconcerned.

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

A Queens, NY community learned that a valuable resource was being taken away from I made it my business to be present and active for the next day's press conference with New York State Senator Leroy Comrie and representatives from EmblemHealth...

Dream, Plan, Pursue with Purposefully Pretty, Inc.

"Dreaming leads to the manifestation of your hopes! As a woman, it is powerful to dream. A woman with access to power can change the world!" -Regine Roy

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